
Some work is driven by passion and our founders are two people driven by their passion to empower the local community and offering a platform for urbanites to visit the beauty of the villages and engage into immersive experiences and promote the local culture, heritage and lifestyle.

Shuddha Satwa Ghosh


Soumen Karmakar


VilloTale Mission & Vision


VilloTale is working towards transforming the village tourism into an organized sector by standardizing the homestay/village home accommodations, standardizing meals by promoting local cuisines and local culture and heritage.


VilloTale’s vision is to develop an ecosystem for sustainable & responsible tourism where in VilloTale be a brand of trust and quality that offer unique experiences on amusement, entertainment, farm tourism, agriculture tourism, relaxation, recreational , adventure activities. And also develop clean and green homestays and other infrastructures to reduce carbon footprint and compliances to maximum number of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)

About VilloTale

VilloTale is a National Startup Awards winning travel startup (recognized by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India and Uttarakhand Startup Council) in sustainable, responsible, community tourism in rural space engaging local community.
VilloTale is winner of National Startup Awards 2021 in Travel Sector under Travel Planning and Discovery Category

VilloTale is working with 2 focus areas :
1.Empowering the rural community and promoting the local culture, traditions and lifestyle and local products as well following sustainable development goals.
2.The people staying in metro cities are disconnected from the local traditions, culture and nature. VilloTale act as a platform to connect them to their roots. So VilloTale is a gateway for all those people who want to explore, experience rural lifestyle, culture and traditions as well as day to day village activities.

VilloTale has chosen Tourism for achieving both our focus areas. In this process, we are engaging with rural community, handholding the villagers to deliver a memorable experience for the guests

VilloTale Promotes
Local Culture & Traditions
Local Tales, Stories & Lifestyle
Local Cuisines, Games, etc..


Local Community
•Creating Business Opportunity & Employment @ Local Community
•Local Empowerment
•Reverse Migration
Platform for Guests to Give back to Society
•Interact with local children and share your stories and experiences of hardship and dreams with them to motivate them to be a responsible citizen and successful in life
•Have an interactive session with the locals/children on anything you want to share with them
•Social Activities like Tree Plantation, etc.

consultancy for sustainable tourism in india

Capacity Building

rural tourism capacity building
rural tourism capacity building

Capacity Building at Ground Level

  1. Branding and Image Building
  2. Homestay Operations
  3. Guest Engagement at homestays and cluster
  4. Developing SOPs with homeowners


  1. Develop Tourism Ecosystem in Rural & Offbeat Destinations
    • Cluster design and development support
    • RURAL Tourism project concept designLand usage plan with commercial validationBusiness viability check and checklistCircuit design support
    • Cluster design and development support
  2. Capacity Building Support
    1. Homestay DevelopmentHomestay RegistrationHomeowner & Staff Training on Housekeeping, Guest Handling, Kitchen Management, Food Beverages, Menu Designing, etc. as required to run a HomestayTraining on Basic Accounting (Bookkeeping, Budget Management, Operation Cost, etc.)Training on Revenue Management (How to set the pricing. What all factors to be taken while establishing the tariff, etc.)Basic Education/Training on Cleanliness and Hygiene
  3. Training/Education on Safety and Security (what all are the aspects to be taken cared of and action plan in case of any exigency)
  4. Market Linkage for Homestay
  5. Supplies
    • Linen, Toiletries, etc.
  6. Homestay Positioning:
    1. Content DevelopmentUsing Social MediaListing in Travel Portals (OTAs)
  7.  Improvise the Guest Experience
  8. Following SOPs for various activities
    1. Homestay Maintenance & OperationsReservation ProcessPre-Arrival, During the Stay & Post Check Out SOPs.Guest Engagement (Marketing, Post Check Out, Feedback, Retention, etc.)
  9. Guest Handling
sustainable tourism consultancy in india